utopian socialism造句

"utopian socialism"是什么意思   


  1. Next , evaluation of cooperative and related theories has been made in social and historical origin , effect and the influence and development , and pointed out : cooperative is resulted from the combination between fair need and marketing system ; cooperative can not achieve the society objectives that the utopian socialism person sought ; nowadays economy productivity makes the cooperative one kind of available form of organization for the weak power colony for seeking the economic interest possesses extensively
    从成本最小化与交易费用的角度出发,人们选择合作经济组织形式的实质是合作社所做的作业比合作成员个别完成更能节省生产成本和交易成本,并从中分享规模经济和范围经济的利益。 3合作经济的所有制形式以合作经济理论述评和合作经济质的分析为基础,本章探讨合作经济的所有制性质与形式。第一,生产资料全部属劳动者个人所有的形式。
  2. It's difficult to find utopian socialism in a sentence. 用utopian socialism造句挺难的


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